Our last outdoor bowls club competition today, previously delayed due to adverse weather and diary conflicts. The competition entails aiming for a target of three concentric circles with a jack placed ...
I like a wander around Doune, always something new to spot. They must have recently popped up a lot of 'historical' signage, as they're gleaming new, and I've not spotted them before. The one for this ...
High & Wide A lovely morning for Millie pups walkies along the front at Severn Beach at high tide. Some extras too.
Delighted to come across a herd of at least eight of these gorgeous beasts in a field adjacent to Dawsholm Park this afternoon while walking the pooches with Lulabel. The old Temple gasometers in the ...
However, I need to get on with prep for leading the prayer meeting tonight - luckily this is online, and I will try not to speak too much myself... After I've done this, I'm going back to bed for a ...
This morning I heard unusual bird calls outside the window, followed by a great deal of activity and flitting about in my large maple tree. The streaks of yellow signaled me to grab my camera and head ...
Covid test this morning finally - a very faint pink positive....here's hoping I will get my new set of tests delivered tomorrow morning, then if I am negative - I will go into the office on Tuesday ...
"Haw Mr Heron, have ye missed me?" "Naw ..... now bugger aff, ahm tryin' tae catch ma tea!" ...
A very close indoor bowls league match this afternoon which saw the opposition skip playing a 1 in a 100 shot to take the win. Harsh. Stopped on the way home to capture this blip.
Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses, The perfect cure for a mild hangover is a child (EMP) coming home for the night. The Prince was delighted as it meant that we had brownies.