Aleksandr Lukashenko also reminded that people create values in the country, this is why it is necessary to give them a fair share of generated profits. “Instead of lining your pockets. It is the ...
People always complain about roads. Last year we simply stormed to fix them wherever it is possible,” the president said ...
We keep praising our young people too much. Yes, our young people are quite good. They are what they are. We will not have a ...
For whom do we do it? For our own nation. Frankly speaking, we didn’t have to do it,” the president noted. And many countries ...
I emphasize once again: all kinds of people are coming to us. And a huge number of people transit Belarus to the West. Where they want to go to. And we keep getting accused of facilitating this ...
Speaking about the development of the country amid various external challenges, Aleksandr Lukashenko stated that all these ...
On the whole, our nation is good. A hardworking one. We are now dealing with severe mental and psychological attacks. But the people hang on. Those, who come to us as guests, express envy by saying ...
I don’t cling to power. I will do everything to quietly and calmly pass on this power to a new generation. Because I hope that I and you as well will still live under the new government. My kids will ...
In ancient times the town of Logoisk was a frontier town of the Polotsk land. The Logoisk icon Our Lady of the Sign has been known in Belarusian lands since ancient times.
There must be no injustice. This is why we interfere with pricing practices. It doesn’t mean we regulate prices. It is impossible. It is necessary to create a self-regulating system. It should not ...
A people-first state is when the state prioritizes people.” He clarified that the state will not do the jobs people are ...
According to the head of state, economy is the key challenge. “If we stick together, if we endeavor to make lives better, then we will overcome these challenges,” the Belarusian leader said.