Speaking to ANI, Bhandari said, "The Samajwadi Party and Congress have always played with the faith of Hindus for appeasement. These people used to call Sanatana Dharma dengue, malaria and AIDS, who ...
People of India are progressive. They are practical. They are grounded but it is the politicians who refuse to change and ...
BJP leader and president of the Vishwa Hindu Dharma Parirakshana Ramasena Kambala Srinivas Rao flagged off buses heading to ...
BJP’s Pradeep Bhandari criticises Samajwadi Party and Congress for allegedly exploiting Hindu faith for appeasement.
Passed by the first state legislative Assembly of the state in 1978, the law primarily envisages the restriction and prohibition of conversion of people from one religion to another by force, fraud, ...
The political battle to appropriate a towering figure of Kerala’s Renaissance Movement represents the CPM’s effort to retrieve lost ground before the next set of elections. Ezhavas, who closely ...
US-based "Moksha Puri" Baba, associated with the Juna Akhara, has become a centre of attraction in the Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj. Inspired by Indian culture and spirituality, he abandoned the western ...
Vijayawada: Seers and pontiffs called on Hindus to rise against government control over temples, demanding autonomy for Hindu ...
At the Mahakumbh in Prayagraj there are devotees and seers from across the world Angela whose spiritual journey from Italy to India has been nothing short of t ...
The Mahakumbh Mela, which happens once in 12 years, has attracted many one-of-a-kind personalities such as Bavander Baba and ...
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