The story, titled “Here,” opens in one corner of a room, which remains as the backdrop of each successive scene. The years tick by and people come and go, but the space is constant. “Here” is simple ...
Thus, Anime News Network proudly presents “The Complete Sword Art Online Anime Timeline.” This timeline is broken down by story arc and contains not only the arcs of the mainline series but ...
Hunting for a new GPU for gaming, multi-display, or something else? Here's everything you need to know to shop the latest Nvidia GeForce, AMD Radeon, and Intel Arc video cards with confidence.
It used to be a glamourous, must-see TV American tradition, with boxers like Muhammad Ali, Joe Louis, Sugar Ray Leonard and Roberto Duran. Now, it is back - albeit in a vastly different form and ...
It's not a good time for cheap graphics cards. 'Wait, but I thought this was a graphics card deals page?' It is, but we're in the calm before the storm. Black Friday won't kick off until later ...
In a sense, Cyber Monday GPU deals should serve as a saving grace this year. Graphics card prices are getting better, and offers are more common, but discounts could be deeper than they are right now.
As a curator at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Eleanor Nairne is very particular about how an artwork should be placed. “I always say that you have to ask the work if it’s sat comfortably ...
Here’s everything we know about Nvidia’s upcoming generation of graphics cards. We haven’t heard any specifics from Nvidia about the release date just yet, but most estimates pin the launch ...
When you usually tell people that you've got a smart lock in your house, it's almost guaranteed that you'll be met with a healthy amount of skepticism. We get it: physical keys have done the trick ...
When you think of smart devices, it's natural to think of fancy, costly devices throughout your home. But, it can be as simple as a smart plug that allows you to turn on fans, lamps and other ...