Membres dels consolats del Marroc, Panamà, Burkina Faso, Itàlia i França han participat recentment en una trobada, a la seu ...
Seixanta-vuit editorials i tres llibreries seran a la fira de l’edició independent de Besalú, que es celebra aquest cap de ...
It may be the ultimate test of an opera company: 15 hours of music divided among four operas to be done within a week, requiring a sizable cast of big-voice singers, and a conductor and orchestra of ...
La seu central de Gelati Dino acull una jornada que pretén enfortir la relació comercial entre institucions, empresaris i ...
While armor is crucial to keep players alive in Elden Ring, for those willing to sacrifice safety for fashion, these are the ...
Doing so starts The Crucible Favor. The second half of the seed is located in Alberich Hollow, in the east of the Bay of Bounty, Svartalfheim. Note that you won’t be able to reach Alberich ...