Austrian lender feeds investors hungry for bank capital ◆ Borrower returns to asset class for first time in more than two ...
Deal comes close to fair value ◆ Shorter tenor offers investors something different ◆ Mass wave of sterling supply not ...
French banking group BPCE aims to price a French prime RMBS later this week, after setting initial pricing thoughts of low to ...
Strong demand allowed for tight pricing ◆ New bond drags Achmea's curve tighter ◆ 'Odd size' wraps up Dutch bank's covered ...
Deal attracted strong official institution interest ◆ Borrower faced some limits at 40bp ◆ Low single digit concession paid ...
“It’s not a surprise these days that OTP has got through fair value,” said a syndicate official on the trade. “CEE banks are ...
Two bankers on the new sukuk said the Emirate's $1bn 6.092% 2034 sukuk would form the main reference point for pricing. That ...
The €11bn combined size of the EU's two taps on Tuesday exceeded that of its September dual tranche syndication’s €10bn. Both ...
GDZ Elektrik sealed its $400m bond debut on Monday but a complex profile and heavy Turkish bond supply kept demand muted, ...
Commerzbank opts to raise long end senior funding for 2025 a week after dollar AT1 ◆ BFCM goes longer compared to recent multi-tranche Samurai ◆ Commerz pays no premium, BFCM offers slight concession ...
At least 10 deals of around $9.4bn are in the visible US ABS pipeline, and bankers say there remains plenty of demand for ...
Thames Water, the UK’s largest water utility, has managed to roll over a £410m revolving credit facility that fell due today ...